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30 seconds to make a real change.
To be a part of meaningful change, remember that even the smallest voice can make a difference. Sign petitions in just 30 seconds - here, we've gathered petitions from various organizations, making it easier for you to support their important work. Your signature counts, and we're here to help you amplify your impact.
Stop Whaling
Whales, vital for a sustainable ecosystem, serve as living carbon sinks, capturing carbon at a remarkable rate. Join us to end whaling and protect our planet and these incredible creatures
End Factory Farming globally
Our global food system is broken. Intensive animal agriculture - often referred to as ‘factory farming’ - is the cause of much harm not only to animals, but to the health of people and the planet. Take action to end factory farming.
Swe: Skydda beteskravet
Sverige är unikt. Enligt lag måste kossor kunna beta gräs utomhus på sommaren, precis som de är skapta att göra.
Men så kanske det inte är så länge till.
Skriv under för beteskravet.
Sign for care for animals in Zoos
Covid Killed Three Rare Snow Leopards at a Zoo. Demand Vaccinations for Eligible Animals Now!
Care2 - WILDLIFE petitions
Collected wildlife petitions, that make a difference in the natural world where the wildlife lives.
Care2 - Animal Rights petitions
Help end brutal harm to animals done in animal testing, over-fishing, factory farming and more.
Enviromental impact on animals
The environment and the natural form, flora and fauna, needs your signature to recover.
Four Paws International
To make your support as easy as possible, Four Paws International has conveniently collected petitions that you can sign directly.